My Journey

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Location: NC, United States

Josh and I were married in December 2005 and our sweet little Emma Grace was born in November 2006. She has brought much excitement and joy to our life. We have another little girl, Ellie Joy, due in early October. We can't wait to meet this precious angel! Josh is the Pastor of Students and Evangelism at a local church and I am a fourth grade teacher at a local school. We love our life!

Monday, October 11, 2004

Hello From Afar

My trip to Tina's hometown was nice. I had a wonderful time with Tina and her family experiencing more Chinese culture. It was very interesting to experience a traditional Chinese wedding. It is nothing like an American wedding. The weddings here take place in a hotel restaurant. There were no vows, just introductions. No music, just… different. The bride, groom, wedding party (best man and bridesmaid), and two other people who throw rose petals in the air walk down the aisle, in that order. When they arrive at the front, introductions are made, and then the bride and groom open a huge champagne bottle and pour the champagne down a tree of glasses. They then toast one another. Then, the restaurant workers take the cake over to them and light a candle sticking out of the top of it. The groom holds the bride up to blow out the candle. They then feed each other a bite of cake. That is ALL that is done with the cake. No one else gets a bite. It was really strange.

The bride came down wearing an American-style, white wedding dress. After the introduction, she changed into a big, puffy red dress, not traditional Chinese style. We began eating dinner. The bride, groom, and the wedding party then go around to each table (about 20) and toast everyone. Then the parents go around to each table and toast everyone, then whoever wants to toast whoever toasts (lots of toasting going on)! After dinner, the bride changed into a big, puffy gold dress, and that is what she and the groom left in.

One of Tina's cousins owns a bus, so after the wedding was over, which was about 10:30 at night (it lasted about 4 hours), Tina's whole family piled in and they drove me around the island. I didn't think we were ever going to make it home. I was so tired. I had just arrived on a train at 9:00am that morning. Needless to say, I did not sleep well the night before. We finally got back to Tina's home at midnight! It was a long day! All throughout the weekend, Tina and her family kept asking questions about the differences between the American wedding and the Chinese wedding. It was so hard to explain ALL the differences to them. I told them that I would send them a video of mine, one day, to watch. They thought that was a great idea.

On Saturday, Tina's cousin, who was married the night before, invited us over to see their new apartment. They don't go on honeymoons here. They just go to their new home. But even if I did stay home, I wouldn't be inviting anyone over to visit me! They were so kind and gracious, stuffing us full of hot tea and food. I had told Tina and her parents that I wanted to take them to Pizza Hut that evening. We arrived at Pizza Hut to find over 80 people standing out front waiting to get in. It was going to be over a 3-hour wait. We decided to go back for lunch on Sunday when they opened. Even then, we had to wait about 15 minutes. I could not believe that Pizza Hut was that busy. I was definitely glad to get some CHEESE in my body! That was some of the best pizza, probably only because I wanted it so badly! I brought some leftovers back with me in a freezer bag and invited friends over to eat with me the next day. Yum!

Please think of Tina and her parents. I talked with Tina more on this visit. She is still very confused and has many questions. Please 'think' that her eyes will be opened, the veils will drop, and she will begin to see clearly. Please 'think' that her parents will begin to read some in The Book that I left with them. Please 'think' that someone in the city where they live will reach out and 'talk' with them. I am hoping to visit them again in January or May.

This week I have just been making final preparations for classes. They are finally beginning! On Mondays and Wednesdays, I travel to a campus across town and teach. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I stay here. I am really looking forward to meeting my students! I met one of them on the street today. Her name is Jasmine. She seems really sweet. I am excited about getting to know her better! I don't think I have ever in my life been so excited about school starting! This will be a short term for them because they are starting too late, but I'm sure it will be a great one!

Please think of me as I begin teaching this week. Please think of my students that our Father will draw some out. Please think of the new brothers and sisters who have joined are family in the last week. We have had two since I last wrote. Please think of me as I seek what kind of work and meetings our Father would have me to hold with my students. The work is beginning and it is so exciting!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Lots of News and Things to Think About!

It has been a long time since I have written. I apologize... A LOT has been going on here. I spent Thursday-Sunday of my birthday week sick in bed. I was pretty pitiful. I think I had the flu but I'm not really sure. No one else ever got sick and I was around a few people. All I know is that I hope I don't get that again*at least not while I'm over here. Blaghhh!

The following Monday and Tuesday nights I could not sleep. I was up all night once until 7am and I slept until 10am and then once until 5am and I slept until noon. I don't know if it was because I had no energy the week before and spent most of the time in bed or what it was. My sleeping schedule was so messed up and I was exhausted. I am finally back to normal, or at least my normal!

All of you in P-cola are continually in my thoughts. I have had mom and Josh check on people for me and some of you have emailed me to let me know how you are doing. I think of you all daily and "we" think of you all each time we meet. What a trial you are facing.

This last week was a really difficult one in dealing with a VERY difficult person in the English department who thinks he is everyone's boss and seems to enjoy belittling and degrading everyone, women especially. It got so bad the Anika requested to change departments. I stood my ground and after a meeting yesterday, I think things might be getting a little better*we will see. Please, please be "thinking" about this situation with me.

I turned my passport in to the university about three weeks ago for them to deal with the visa situation. All of the foreigners have been really antsy about it. We got our passports back last week with our work visas in them. We don't know what happened and how they were suddenly able to give them to us other than it was a miracle from up above. For that we are so thankful. Thank you for "thinking" about that!

On Monday, I received a box from the Discovery Class at Olive. I was thrilled!!! Velveeta Mac 'n Cheese, chocolate covered raisins. Yum!!! The flannel sheets are beautiful and they came just in time! My little Janey girl spent the night with me that night. My friend Anika and I were across town picking up some clothes we had had made and doing a little shopping when the Foreign Affairs Office called to say that I had received a box. We took a taxi to the FOA and asked them to wait while we went in to get the box. I left my bag of things in there (2 Chinese silk pillows for the living room and a pair of pants that I had just had made) and we walked up the stairs to the building. I got the box and started walking down only to see that the taxi was no longer there. I ran down those steps, but he was gone! I asked the guard where the taxi went and he pointed that he drove off. I guess the taxi driver decided that he would get paid better by leaving with my things than by me paying him. I have learned my lesson!

Janey and I went to Hopie's birthday party Monday night about 9pm when her dad got finished teaching his night class. We were all exhausted. I told Paul that I would keep Janey so she could sleep in and then she could go to school late on Tuesday. She slept until about 10:30. I was so grateful!!! I was on the phone when she woke up. I thought I heard something but her bedroom door wasn't opened and she wasn't in the hallway. Next thing I know, I hear a little pitter patter and then see a beautiful smiling face! My little 4 year old Janey ran into my room and jumped up on the bed. She had gotten herself all dressed and even put on her little sweater and buttoned it up. She was perfect. I could not believe that she did all of that before she ever came out of her room. After I got off the phone I went into her room to fold her pajamas and she had folded them. She did a great job, as good as I would have done, and she set them exactly where I had set the clothes out for her to wear that day. We played a little while and then I made her a PB n' J sandwich. She was sitting in the living room watching TV and eating while I was in the office working on the computer. Next then I know she was up and in my office bent over, pulling at her stomach and crying. She had sweat pouring off of her little body. All she wanted me to do was hold her. She was sooo hot! I did not know what was wrong. I called Paul and told him what was going on. He got a hold of one of the M&M's workers, Chris and he took us to the emergency room (everyone goes there... like the doctors). After the doctor checked her out, they came to the conclusion that she was constipated. Poor baby, I felt so sorry for her. I wanted to cry with her. They gave her medicine and she was all better by the time we left. She scared me so bad. I ran out of the house looking like a crazy woman. I had showered but my hair was a MESS and I left in my shower shoes. I was out of it!

This week has been exciting. We have two new brothers in Him and two that are very interested and asking MANY questions. Tonight, well, 1am Friday morning, I leave for X to go visit Tina and her family. I will attend her cousins wedding Friday evening. I had the opportunity to share with Tina and leave some things with her last summer. Since then she has been attending a study lead by one of my friends where she attends school. She has been asking many questions. I am hoping to be able to share with her some more this weekend. Please be thinking about me that He will give me the words to say and please be thinking about her and her parents that they will be even more open to learn and to understand.

I will write when I return. For now I must go and finish packing!

My thoughts are with you all!